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About this Legal Information note:

The following Legal Information (hereinafter "Legal Information") regulates the use of all the services and contents of the website (hereinafter "website"), which Computer Graphics y Audiovisuales (hereinafter "CGA") , operating from Calle Plataners 8, 08830 - Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, ​​Spain, makes it available to all Internet users.

By simply using this website, the user expresses his full acceptance without exception of the contents of this Legal Information, which may be modified by CGA at any time and published in this section of the website for the knowledge of all users, who will be subject to compliance.

Applicable Legal Framework:

The General Conditions of Use included in this Legal Information are governed by current Spanish Legislation.


CGA does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the website, the services provided within it and / or its content. CGA is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by the unavailability or temporary or permanent closure of the website, the services provided therein and / or its contents.

User Commitment:

The user agrees to make fair use and in accordance with his good intentions of this website, the services provided therein and its contents, being solely the user responsible for the use that may be made of them.

Unless a prior and express written authorization is obtained from CGA, the user must not obtain or attempt to obtain any type of content or file (whether texts, graphics, paintings, sound files, images or photographs, videos, software, etc ...) of this website by any method.

Third Party Content and Services:

CGA is not responsible for the content, information, communication, opinion or manifestation of any kind caused by any person or entity other than CGA, regardless of the place and the way in which it was published. This website may contain links to other Internet sites, which are not controlled by CGA, and therefore, CGA is not responsible for the services or content that this websites may have, or for the damage that may be caused by the use of those websites.

Furthermore, this website is hosted on the servers of a company other than CGA, so CGA cannot be responsible for their activities and / or the impact they may have on this website.


Purpose of this Policy on Action on Personal Data:

At Computer Graphics and Audiovisuals we are fully aware of the importance of the treatment of sensitive information of the users of this website, as well as their right to privacy.

Computer Graphics and Audiovisuals declares that it has no specific interest regarding the personal data of users and warns that it will not request any sensitive information unless it is strictly necessary, to respond to a contact request or to attend to the normal user management of the site.

For this reason, and acting based on current regulations regarding this matter, we have developed the following line of action to guarantee the safety of users, in which the following parameters are defined:

Responsible for the Personal Data that may be collected through this site:

The scarce contact information that could be collected through our forms will remain in the custody of Computer Graphics and Audiovisuals, with address at Calle Plataners 8, 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Purpose of storing said data:

The management of the users of the website, and specifically, for the attention of their contact requests and / or adherence to commercial publications of Computer Graphics and Audiovisuals.

Legal Basis of Data Processing:

The interested party expressly and voluntarily consents to the communication of said information, since the manifestation of this consent is a necessary and mandatory condition for the contact forms to work.

Exercise of User Rights:

The user of the website who has sent their personal data will have the right to access, rectify and delete their data, to the portability of the data, to the limitation or opposition to their treatment, not to be subject to automated decisions and to obtain information clear and transparent about the treatment of your data.

Other recipients of the data:

No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.


All content accessible through this website is protected by the right to intellectual and industrial property of CGA (or third parties, when specified). The publication of these contents on the website in any case means a resignation, transfer or temporary cessation of these rights, and does not give the user the right to use, modify, capitalize, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the aforementioned contents without an express written authorization issued by CGA. The user may only view or make copies for his personal and exclusive use, which will always be executed in accordance with the principles of his good intentions, fair use and applicable law.

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